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For the first time in vinyl, Egon Soda's debut album is published with an extra theme.
It’s almost twenty years since the appearance of Egonsoda (Cydonia, 2008), the band’s first album today made up of Ricky Falkner, Charlie Bautista, Ricky Limpia, Pablo Garrido, Xavi Molero and Ferran Pontón. For the first time in vinyl, Starry Skies edited the album, which adds a song that was left out in its day: “Santa Teresa de Añil”. A half-composed work between Falkner and Pontón and recorded together with Molero and Garrido (not yet Baptist or Lavender). Josep Maria Baldomà gave them his infinite knowledge to the keys and Dani Ferrer, delicious winds.
If he caught you in his day, we believe that the vinyl version will please you even more, because it increases his night and the grain of his sound, created by Jordi Colomé Corchs in Musical Infusions.
This product will be shipped from mid-April.
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